Dr. Lars Kolb
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Selected Talks
- Effiziente MapReduce-Parallelisierung von Entitity Resolution-Workflows,
PhD Defense, Leipzig, December 2014
- Don’t Match Twice: Redundancy-free Similarity Computation with MapReduce
2nd International Workshop on Data Analytics in the Cloud (DanaC), New York, June 2013
- Dedoop: Efficient Deduplication with Hadoop
Data Integration Day, Leipzig, September 2012
- Learning-based Entity Resolution with MapReduce
3rd International Workshop on Cloud Data Management (CloudDB), Glasgow, October 2011
- Parallel Sorted Neighborhood Blocking with MapReduce
German Database Conference “GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web” (BTW), Kaiserslautern, March 2011
- Data Partitioning for Parallel Entity Matching
8th International Workshop on Quality in Databases (QDB), Singapore, September 2010
Term | Exercise | Practical course | Seminar | Lecture |
Fall 2009/10 |
Database Systems 1 |
Cloud Data Management |
Parallel Database Systems (guest lecture) |
Spring 2010 |
Database Systems 2 |
Database Data Warehouse |
Fall 2010/11 |
Database Systems 1 |
Web Data Integration |
Spring 2011 |
Database Systems 2 |
Database |
Cloud Data Management (guest lecture) |
Fall 2011/12 |
Database Systems 1 |
Data Warehouse |
NoSQL Databases |
Spring 2012 |
Database Systems 2 |
Database |
Fall 2012/13 |
Database Systems 1 |
Data Warehouse |
Large-scale Data Analytics |
Spring 2013 |
Database Systems 2 |
Database |
Fall 2013/14 |
Database Systems 1 |
MapReduce |
New Trends in Big Data |
Cloud Data Management |
Spring 2014 |
Database Systems 2 |
Database Systems 2 NoSQL Databases |
NoSQL Databases |
Bachelor’s & Master’s Thesis Supervision
Year | Student | Type | Title |
2012 |
Axel Fischer |
B. Sc. |
Implementierung eines File Managers für das Hadoop Distributed Filesystem und Realisierung einer MapReduce Workflow Submission-Komponente |
2013 |
Sergej Sintschilin |
B. Sc. |
Wiederverwendung berechneter Matchergebnisse für MapReduce-basiertes Object Matching |
2013 |
Ziad Sehili |
M. Sc. |
Evaluierung und Erweiterung von MapReduce-Algorithmen zur Berechnung der transitiven Hülle ungerichteter Graphen für Entity Resolution Workflows |
2013 |
Dan Häberlein |
B. Sc. |
Migration und Extraktion von Datensätzen mittels spaltenorientierter Datenbanken am Beispiel von Apache HBase |
2014 |
Hans-Henning Koch |
M. Sc. |
Evaluation of Backends for the Use in a Horizontally Scalable Version of ipoque’s Net Reporter |