Prof. Dr. Andreas Thor
- since 10/2019: Professor for Data Analysis, Databases, and E-Learning at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig)
- 04/2013 – 09/2019: Professor for Database Management Systems at the University of Applied Sciences for Telecommunications Leipzig
- 04/2012 – 03/2013: Professor at the University of Passau
- 01/2010 – 04/2011: Visiting researcher at University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
- 01/2006 – 03/2012: Researcher at the database group
- 01/2003 – 12/2005: Postgraduate student at Graduiertenkolleg “Knowledge Representation”
- 06/2008: Dr. (equiv. to PhD) in Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Germany (advisor: Erhard Rahm)
- 12/2002: Diploma (equiv. to Master) in Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig): Office H406,
- University of Leipzig: Office Paulinum 425,
Current Research Projects
- tech4comp: Knowledge Modeling and Data Analysis for E-Assessment
- Ontology-based E-Assessment for Advanced Examination Spaces: Semantic Annotation of Items
- E-Assessment Literacy: Current prototype EAs.LiT
- AutoShard: Managing Hot Spot Data Objects in NoSQL Data Stores
- Citation Analysis: Current prototype CRExplorer
Past Projects:
- Object Matching / Entity Resolution for Big Data incl. load balancing for Big Data/MapReduce
- The Annotated Biological Web: Pattern Discovery, Validation, and Hypothesis Development
- Mashup-based Data Integration
- Web Usage Mining and Online Recommendations
- PhD thesis “Automatic Mapping Processing on Web Data” (in German) (defense talk 05/2008)
Recent Talks
- 01/2021 Talk at Research Day of Faculty Digital Transformation
- 11/2020 Skalierbare Kompetenzmessung für E-Assessment
- 11/2019 Itempool-Management und automatisierte Testkonstruktion (Teil 1 und Teil 2)
- 04/2019 Kompetenzmessung durch Datenanalyse für E-Assessment
- 03/2019 Ein Blended-Learning-Kurs für das Fach Datenbanksysteme
- 12/2018 Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre(r) (Video)
- 09/2018 New analysis features of the CRExplorer for identifying influential publications
- 09/2018 Übersicht über Forschungsaktivitäten
- 04/2018 Aktivierung von Studierenden – Best-Practice-Beispiel Modul “Datenbanksysteme”
- 11/2017 Blended-Learning am Beispiel des Moduls “Datenbanksysteme”
- 09/2017 Digitalisierte Hochschuldidaktik: Qualitätssicherung von Prüfungen mit dem E-Assessment-Literacy-Tool EAs.LiT
- 09/2017 DIAL – Ein BigBlueButton-basiertes System für interaktive Live-Übertragungen von Vorlesungen
- 12/2016 Lazy Big Data Integration
- 09/2016 E-Assessment Literacy Tool (EAs.LiT)
- 07/2016 NewSQL, SQL on Hadoop
- 07/2016 Introducing CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer)
- 10/2014 AutoShard - Declaratively Managing Hot Spot Data Objects in NoSQL Data Stores
- Lectures for Bachelor students: Database systems, Data Management
- Lectures for Master students: Cloud Data Management, Data Integration, Data Warehouse
- Advanced seminars on current database technologies
- @HTWK: Dean of Studies (since 10/2019), Member of the Faculty Council (since 04/2020)
- Member of the e-learning working group (since 2013)
- Member of the executive committee of the GI group Databases and Information Systems (since 2012)
- Speaker of the GI (German Informatics Society) working group “Data Management in the Cloud ” (2012-2018)
- @HfTL: Chair of the Study Commission for Computer Science (2017-2019), Member of the Academic Senate at HfTL (2015-2020)
- PC Member VLDB 2020, BTW 2019 Workshop on Big (and Small) Data in Science and Humanities, SIGMOD 2018, DILS 2018, LWDA 2018, BTW 2017, BTW 2017 Workshop on Big (and Small) Data in Science and Humanities, VLDB 2017 PhD Workshop, SCDM 2017, SCDM 2016, VLDB 2015, SCDM 2014, MR.BDI 2014, ESWC 2014, SCDM 2013, ESWC 2013, DOA-Trusted Cloud 2013, AICCSA 2013, ReD 2013, ESWC 2012, DownScale 2012, ReD 2012
- External Reviewer SIGMOD 2012, ICDE 2012, VLDB 2011, ICDE 2008, VLDB 2007, SIGMOD 2006, BTW 2005
- Reviewer ACM Transcations on the Web, Journal of Data and Information Quality, ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Journal on Data Semantics, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IJSWIS Journal, Performance Evaluation, Czech Science Foundation
- Chair: Student Program @ BTW2015 and @ BTW2017, Workshop on Data Management in the Cloud (DMC) 2013 and 2014
- Guest-Editor Datenbankspektrum 2/2014 (Data Management in the Cloud)
- Publicity Co-Chair WAIM 2008
- Post-doctoral scholarship from the Germany Research Foundation (2010-2011)
- CIDR graduate student scholarship (2007)
- Graduate student scholarship from the Germany Research Foundation (2003-2005)
- Undergraduate student scholarship from the German National Merit Foundation (2000-2002)