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Bibliometric Analysis

Scholarly entities like publications, their authors and their affiliations (originating institutions), and publication organs (conference venues or journals) are the focus of bibliometric analyses. These entities can be compared by the number of associated publications, and the impact may be estimated by the number of citations the associated publications receive.

Citation Analysis

The impact of scientific publications is often estimated by the number of citations they receive, i.e. how frequently they are referenced by other publications. Since publications have associated authors, originating institutions and publication venues (e.g. journals, conference proceedings) citations have also been used to compare their scientific impact. The tremendous scope of new scientific archives like Google Scholar makes it possible to freely access citation data for millions of publications and authors and thus to evaluate the citations for entire conferences and journals.

We performed offline, data-warehouse-based citation analysis for selected database conferences (VLDB, SIGMOD) and journals (TODS, VLDB Journal, SIGMOD Record) in August 2005 and in 2007. The citation/reference counts for the 10 years of 1994-2003 were determined by combining data from DBLP, ACM Digital Library, and Google Scholar (GS) as described in our iFuice paper. All reference counts are from Google Scholar and ACM. Reference counts from GS have problems, e.g. they include self-citations and pointers from web pages. We also noticed cases where GS grouped together different versions of the papers, book reviews and books, or had serveral entries of the same publications. We therefore applied some post-processing to deal with such cases. Still GS is by far the most current and comprehensive source at this time and we find the results quite interesting and helpful to uncover certain trends.

The analysis results were published in SIGMOD Record 2005. In 2007 we reran the analysis for an extended period of 12 years (1994-2005); a short summary of the new results is in a APE08 paper (slides).

We developed the Online Citation Service (OCS), a new system for online citation analysis of computer science research. For any set of DBLP publications, it retrieves and integrates citation data on demand from four different data sources: Google Scholar, Microsoft Libra, ACM Digital Library, and Citeseer. A set of search query generators is provided to efficiently retrieve relevant citation data and to iteratively refine search results for improved data quality.

We recently introduced a new tool - the CitedReferencesExplorer ( CRExplorer ) – which can be used to disambiguate and analyze the cited references (CRs) of a publication set downloaded from the Web of Science (WoS) or Scopus. The tool is especially suitable to identify those publications which have been frequently cited by the researchers in a field and thereby to study for example the historical roots of a research field or topic. CRExplorer simplifies the identification of key publications by enabling the user to work with both a graph for identifying most frequently cited reference publication years (RPYs) and the list of references for the RPYs which have been most frequently cited.

Affiliation Analysis

Bibliometric studies of computer science and database publications to date mainly focus on the number of papers and citations per author or per journal. As (commercial) bibliographic systems concentrate on journals, there is only little analysis regarding the affiliations of authors in computer science and database research.

We analyze author affiliations of publications to determine the main institutions contributing research to a specific field. For instance, we determine top affiliations in terms of number of papers (productivity) and also aggregate the numbers at varying level of detail, e.g. cities, countries, and continents.

Author affiliations in publications are given in quite heterogeneous form. Before any analyses on these data can be undertaken, the affiliation mentions denoting the same real world institutions have to be aligned. For this, we investigated into web-based affiliation recognition, matching, and clustering (cf. our publications).

Interpreting multiple-author papers as collaborations, bonds within and across institutions, cities, countries, and continents become visible (e.g. see illustration).

Illustrating collaborations within and across major countries publishing database research


Dataset example

With the following archive we provide some of our data for download – contained therein:

  • affiliation strings, mostly as available from ACM, though in cases also the original PDFs were taken into account
  • correspondences between affiliation strings on institution level, i.e. neglecting departments etc.


Note: Other object matching datasets (incl. publication data) is available via Benchmark datasets for entity resolution.

Project Members


further information
Google Scholar
publication iconThor, A.; Bornmann L.; Marx, W.; Mutz, R.
New analysis features of the CRExplorer for identifying influential publications
Proc. of 23rd Conference on Science and Technology Indicators (STI), 2018
further information
Google Scholar
publication iconThor, A.; Bornmann L.; Marx, W.; Mutz, R.
Identifying single influential publications in a research field: new analysis opportunities of the CRExplorer
Scientometrics 116(1), 2018
further information
Google Scholar
Marx, W.; Haunschild, R.; Thor, A.; Bornmann, L.
Which early works are cited most frequently in climate change research literature? A bibliometric approach based on RPYS
Scientometrics 110(1), 2017

further information
Google Scholar
publication iconThor, A.; Marx, W.; Leydesdorff, L.; Bornmann, L.
New features of CitedReferencesExplorer (CRExplorer)
Scientometrics 109(3), 2016

further information
Google Scholar
publication iconBornmann, L.; Thor, A.; Marx, W.; Leydesdorff, L.
Identifying seminal works most important for research fields: Software for the Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy (RPYS)
Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 10(1)

further information
Google Scholar
publication iconThor, A.; Marx, W.; Leydesdorff, L.; Bornmann, L.
Introducing CitedReferencesExplorer: A program for Reference Publication Year Spectroscopy with Cited References Standardization
Journal of Informetrics 10 (2016), pp. 503-515
further information
Google Scholar
publication iconLeydesdorff, L.; Bornmann, L.; Comins, J.; Marx, W.; Thor, A.
Referenced Publication Year Spectroscopy and Algorithmic Historiography: Bibliometric Reconstruction of Andras Schuberts Ouevre
In W. Glänzel & B. Schlemmer (Eds.), Andras Schubert – A World of Models and Metrics (pp. 79-96). Louvain: ISSI
further information
Google Scholar
publication iconBornmann, L.; Thor, A.; Marx, W.; Schier, H.
The application of bibliometrics to research evaluation in the humanities and social sciences
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JAIST)
further information
Google Scholar
Aumueller, D.; Rahm, E.
Affiliation analysis of database publications
ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp 26-31, March 2011
further information
Google Scholar
Thor, A.; Bornmann, L.
The calculation of the single publication h index and related performances measures: A Web application based on Google Scholar
Online Information Review 35(2), 2011

Google Scholar
Bornmann, L.; Marx, W.; Schier, H.; Thor, A.; Daniel, H.-D.
From black box to white box at open access journals: Predictive validity of manuscript reviewing and editorial decisions …
Research Evaluation 19(2), 2010
further information
Google Scholar
Aumueller, David; Rahm, Erhard
Web-based Affiliation Matching
14th International Conference on Information Quality 2009 (ICIQ’09)
further information
Google Scholar
Aumueller, David
Retrieving metadata for your local scholarly papers
BTW 2009

Google Scholar
Aumueller, David
Towards web supported identification of top affiliations from scholarly papers
BTW 2009

Google Scholar
Bornmann, L.; Marx, W.; Schier, H.; Rahm, E.; Thor, A.; Daniel, H.-D.
Convergent validity of bibliometric Google Scholar data in the field of chemistry
Journal of Informetrics 3(1), 2009

Google Scholar
Rahm, E.
Comparing the Scientific Impact of Conference and Journal Publications in Computer Science
Information Services & Use

Google Scholar
publication iconThor, Andreas; Aumueller, David; Rahm, Erhard
Data Integration Support for Mashups
Proc. 6th Intl. Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb), 2007

Google Scholar
Köpcke, H.; Rahm, E.
Analyse von Zitierungshäufigkeiten für die Datenbankkonferenz BTW
Datenbank-Spektrum, 7. Jahrgang, Heft 20
further information
Google Scholar
Rahm, E.; Thor, A.
Citation analysis of database publications
ACM Sigmod Record 24(4), 2005