Mashup-based Data Integration
We investigate workflow-based approaches for online integration of web data. In the online setting data integration tasks have to be executed at run-time, e.g. interactive web applications such as mashups. Such an ad-hoc data integration requires to combine content from multiple services or sources dynamically within a very short time. Existing mashup approaches only support rather simple data integration tasks.
Our work on workflow-based data integration started already well before the general mashup interest in 2005 with our prototypeiFuice. iFuice sexploits mappings between logical and physical data sources and supports search query generation, online matching as well as for additional data transformation. Query results can be interactively refined to improve the result quality by executing madditional queries. A script-based definition of mashups (integration workflows) facilitates the development as well as the dynamic execution of mashups. The script programmer can use powerful generic operators to execute and manipulate mappings and their results. Based on the generic iFuice infrastructure we develop several domain-specific integration systems such as BioFuice. The CloudFuice tool enables script execution in the cloud.
Based on the experiences with the iFuice-related systems we have developed a new, more powerful mashup tool WETSUIT.

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