Matthias Kricke
- Since 08/2016: Researcher at Big Data Competence Center (ScaDS Dresden/Leipzig)
- 03/2014 - 07/2016: IT-Specialist, mgm technology partners GmbH
- BigData Projects with BMW Forschung und Technik GmbH, GfK Data & Technology, Lidl
- 08/2012 - 02/2014: Algorithm Engineer at R&D of Unister GmbH
- Master of Science (Computer Science), MLU Halle-Wittenberg, November 2012
- +49 341 97 39-517
- kricke [at]
- Ritterstraße 9, ScaDS 2. Etage, Room 2.4
Research Interests
- Graph-based Data Integration & Matching
- Big Data Frameworks
- Distributed Computation Frameworks (Flink, Spark, etc.)
- Distributed Storage Systems (Accumulo, HBase, etc.)
- Geotemporal Data Management (Geomesa, Geowave, Timly etc.)

 |  | Pascal Hirmer; Tim Waizenegger; Ghareeb Falazi; Majd Abdo; Yuliya Volga; Alexander Askinadze; Matthias Liebeck; Stefan Conrad; Tobias Hildebrandt; Conrad Indiono; Stefanie Rinderle-Ma; Martin Grimmer; Matthias Kricke; Eric Peukert The First Data Science Challenge at BTW 2017 Datenbank-Spektrum 2017-09 |

 |  | Hirmer, P; Waizenegger, T; Falazi, G; Abdo, M; Volga, Y; Askinadze, A; Liebeck, M; Conrad, S; Hildebrandt, T; Indiono, C; Rinderle-Ma, S; Grimmer, M; Kricke, M; Peukert, P The First Data Science Challenge at BTW 2017 Datenbank-Spektrum 17 2017-07-24 |
Supervision of Theses
- MA Alexander Kern: Informationsfusion für geclusterte Graphdaten in Gradoop (Information fusion for clustered graph data in gradoop) (2018)
- MA Katja Englert: Vergleich und Evaluation von BigData ETL-Frameworks (Comparison and Evaluation of BigData ETL-Frameworks) (2018)
- MA Oliver Swoboda: Serverseitige Aggregation von Zeitreihendaten in verteilten NoSQL-Datenbanken (server site aggregation of time-series data in distributed NoSQL databases) (2017)
- MA Paul Röwer: Skalierbares Clustering geotemporaler Daten auf verteilten Systemen (scalable clustering of geotemporal data on distributed systems) (2016)
- BA Volodymyr Moroz: Apache Beam und der Preis der Abstraktion (Apache Beam and the price of unification) (2018)
- BA Philip Fritzsche: Halb-Automatisiertes Graphschemamatching mit Gradoop und Coma++ (Semi-automated graph schema matchong with Gradoop and Coma++) (2018)
- BA Hannes Riesche: Von Relationalen- zu Graphdaten mit Gradoop (From Relational to Graph Data with Gradoop) (2018)
- BA Christian Fuß: Entwicklung eines Gradoop Operators für ein Topologie basiertes Similarity Measure (Development of a Gradoop operator for calculation of topology-based similarity measures) (2017)