Kevin Gomez

- 2018 Master of Science (M.Sc.) Computer Science at Leipzig University
- 2016 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Computer Science at Leipzig University
- +49 341 97 32370
- gomez [at]
- Augustusplatz 10, Paulinum, Raum P414
- Distributed Computation Frameworks (Apache Flink, Apache Spark)
- Distributed Graph Processing (Apache Giraph, Gelly, GraphX)
- Stream Processing and State Handling
Selected Talks
- Temporal Graph Analysis @ ScaDS.AI Living Lab Lecture Series 2021
- Gradoop @BOSS’20 at 46th International Conference on VLDB
- Gradoop @FOSDEM 2020 GraphDevroom
- Gradoop @GRIDKA19 Karlsruhe 08/2019
Supervision of Thesis
- Bachelor Thesis: Maurice Eisenblätter, Optimizing Gradoop using data source serialization
- Master Thesis: Maurice Eisenblätter, Implementation of an In-Memory data structure of the EPGM
- Master Thesis: Simon Bordewisch, End-To-End Graph Stream Analytics
- Master Thesis: Lukas Christ, Time-dependent Graph Pattern Matching
- Master Thesis: Timo Adameit, An Evaluation of the EPGM based on Apache Spark
- Bachelor Thesis: Lucas Schons, Distributed Layouting of Graph Collections with GRADOOP
- Master Thesis: Daniel Baumgarten, Graph Layouting with GRADOOP
- Master Thesis: Elias Saalmann, An Evaluation of the EPGM based on Apache Flink’s Table API