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Robert Müller's Dissertation

Robert Müller: “Event-Oriented Dynamic Adaptation of Workflows”

Dissertation defense, 28. Nov 2002

Robert Müller mit Doktorhut
Gruppenfoto mit der Abteilung Datenbanken
Gruppenfoto 2 mit der Abteilung Datenbanken


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Frey, Johannes; Müller, Kay; Hellmann, Sebastian; Rahm, Erhard; Vidal, Marie-Esther
Evaluation of Metadata Representations in RDF stores
Semantic Web, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 205-229, 2019

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publication iconBärenfänger, O.; Grütmüller, M.; Julich, N.; Köhler, T.; Murata Arend, K.; Möbius, K.; Pengel, N.; Potts, D.; Riedel, J.; Seidel, M.; Thor, A.; Weigel, J.; Wollersheim, H.-W.
Die Weiterentwicklung von E-Assessments für digitalisierte Hochschulen: Grundlegung und Verbreitung von E-Assessment-Literacy
Proc. of 14th Workshop on E-Learning (WeL 2016)

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Petermann, A.; Junghanns, M.; Müller, R.; Rahm, E.
Graph-based Data Integration and Business Intelligence with BIIIG
Proc. VLDB Conf., 2014 (Demo paper)

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Petermann, A.; Junghanns, M.; Müller, R.; Rahm, E.
FoodBroker - Generating Synthetic Datasets for Graph-Based Business Analytics
5th Workshop on Big Data Benchmarking (WBDB 2014), LNCS 8991, 2015

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publication iconPetermann, A.; Junghanns, M.; Müller, R.; Rahm, E.
BIIIG : Enabling Business Intelligence with Integrated Instance Graphs
5th International Workshop on Graph Data Management (GDM 2014)

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Tsikrika, T.; Larsen, B.; Müller, H.; Endrullis, S.; Rahm, E.
The Scholarly Impact of CLEF (2000-2009)
Proc. CLEF 2013, LNCS 8138

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publication iconBerger, Annabell; Grimmer, Martin; Müller-Hannemann, Matthias
Fully dynamic speed-up techniques for multi-criteria shortest path searches in time-dependent networks
Festa P. (eds) Experimental Algorithms. SEA 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 6049. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

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publication iconJarke, M.; Seidl, T.; Quix, C.; Kensche, D.; Conrad, S.; Rahm, E.; Klamma, R.; Kosch, H.; Granitzer, M.; Apel, S.; Rosenmüller, M.; Saake, G.;Spinczyk, O. (Eds.)
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), Workshop Proceedings
ISBN 3-86130-929-7, Verlagshaus Mainz, Aachen 2007.

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Greiner, U.; Müller, R.; Rahm, E.; Ramsch, J.; Heller, B.; Löffler, M.
AdaptFlow: Protocol-based Medical Treatment Using Adaptive Workflows
Methods of Information in Medicine
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Greiner, U.; Ramsch, J.; Heller, B.; Löffler, M.; Müller, R.; Rahm, E.
Adaptive Guideline-based Treatment Workflows with AdaptFlow.
Proc. Symposium on Computerized Guidelines and Protocols (CGP 2004), Prague, IOS Press, April 2004.
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Müller, R.; Greiner, U.; Rahm, E.
AGENTWORK: A Workflow-System Supporting Rule-Based Workflow Adaptation.
Data and Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier, 2004

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publication iconMüller, R.
Event-Oriented Dynamic Adaptation of Workflows: Model, Architecture and Implementation
Dissertation, Univ. Leipzig

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Do, H. H.; Stöhr, T.; Rahm, E.; Müller, R.; Dern, G.
Evaluierung von Data Warehouse-Werkzeugen.
Proc. Data Warehousing (DW) 2000, Friedrichshafen, Nov. 2000
further information
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Müller, R.; Rahm, E.
Dealing with Logical Failures for Collaborating Workflows.
In Etzion, O.; Scheuermann, P. (Eds.): Proceedings CoopIS 2000, Eilat, Israel, September 6-8 LNCS 1901). Springer, Berlin, 2000: 210-223.
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Müller, R.; Rahm, E.
Rule-Based Dynamic Modification of Workflows in a Medical Domain,
Proceedings of BTW99 (Datenbanksysteme für Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft) , Freiburg im Breisgau, 1.-3.März 1999. Springer, Berlin 1999: 429-448
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Müller, R.; Stöhr, T.; Rahm, E.
An Integrative and Uniform Model for Metadata Management in Data Warehousing Environments.
Proceedings Workshop on Design and Management of Data Warehouses (DMDW’99), Heidelberg, June 1999

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publication iconMüller, R.; Heller, B.
A Petri Net-based Model for Knowledge-based Workflows in Distributed Cancer Therapy.
Proceedings of the International EDBT98 workshop on Workflow Management Systems, Valencia, Spain, March 1998

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Müller, R.; Heller, B.; Löffler, M.; Rahm, E.; Winter, A.
HematoWork: A Knowledge-based Workflow System for Distributed Cancer Therapy.
Proc. GMDS98, Bremen, Sep. 1998, MMV Medizin Verlag Munich 1998: 63-66

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publication iconMüller, R.; Stöhr, Th.; Rahm, E.; Quitzsch, S.
Evaluierung von technischen Metadaten-Tools.
Interner Projektbericht, Univ. Leipzig, Nov. 1998.

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publication iconMüller, R.
Ein graph- und objektorientiertes Datenbank-Modell für die Kinderonkologie
Datenbank-Rundbrief Nr. 19, S.5-17, GI-Fachgruppe Datenbanken, Mai 1997

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publication iconMüller, R.
Strukturierte Repräsentierung klinischer Entscheidungsprozesse in elektronischen Patientenakten durch konzeptuelle Graphen
In: R. Muche, G. Büchele, D. Harder, W. Gaus (eds.) Proceedings 42th Annual Conference of the GMDS (GMDS97), Ulm, Germany: 279-283.

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publication iconMüller, R.
The CliniCon Framework for Context Representation in Electronic Patient Records.
In: Daniel R. Masys: Proceedings of the 1997 Fall Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (formerly SCAMC), Nashville, TN, USA. Hanley & Belfus, 1997: 178-182.

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publication iconMüller, R., et al.
TheMPO: A Knowledge-Based System for Therapy Planning in Pediatric Oncology.
Computers in Biology and Medicine vol. 27(3), 1997: 177-200.

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publication iconMüller, R.; Thews, O.; Rohrbach, C.; Sergl, M.; Pommerening, K.
A Graph-Grammar Approach to Represent Causal, Temporal and Other Contexts in an Oncological Patient Record.
IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 1997

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publication iconMüller, R.; Thews, O.; Rohrbach, C.; Sergl, M.; Pommerening, K.
A Graph-Grammar Approach to Represent Causal, Temporal and Other Contexts in an Oncological Patient Record.
Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 3 5 (2), 1996: 127-141.

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publication iconMüller, R.; Thews, O.; Rohrbach, C.; Pommerening, K.
A Graph-Grammar Approach to Represent Context Knowledge in Oncological Patient Records.
van der Lei, J., Beckers, W.P.A. (eds.). Strategic Alliances between Patient Documentation and Medical Informatics (Proceedings of AMICE95, Nov. 95, Amsterdam). 1995, 335-348.