German English

Seminar E-Commerce WS99/00 Literatur

Prof. Dr. E. Rahm:
"E-Commerce" (WS 99/00)


Thema 1: Einführung

  • Cunningham, J.; Paurobally, S.; Diacakis, A.; Lorenzen, L.; Gross, G.; McConnell, S.: Satisfying Requirements for Electronic Commerce. In W. Lamersdorf and M. Merz (eds), Trends in Distributed Systems for Electronic Commerce (Proceedings TREC`98, Hamburg), Springer LNCS 1402, 1998
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Riggins, F.J.; Rhee, H.S.: Toward a Unified View of Electronic Commerce, Communications of the ACM, 41(3), Oktober 98: 88-95
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Adam, N.R.; Dogramaci, O.; Gangopadhyay, A.; Yesha, Y.: Electronic Commerce: Technical, Business, and Legal Issues, Prentice Hall, 1998
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Koehler, Th.: Electronic Commerce: Konzipierung, Realisierung und Nutzung in Unternehmen, Addison Wesley Longman, Bonn, 1998
    (Deutsche Bücherei)
  • Mandviwalla, M.: The Technology of Electronic Commerce. A comprehensive introduction to e-commerce and associated technologies. CIS Comparison and Evaluation Laboratory, July, 1998.
  • Pages der University of Texas:
  • E-commerce-Page des Esprit-Programmes:
  • Page der Intl. Conference on Telecommuncations and Electronic Commerce (ICTEC `98):


Thema 2: Sicherheit und E-Commerce


Thema 3: Multi-Agenten-Systeme und E-Commerce

  • W. Brenner, R. Zarnekow, H. Wittig. Intelligent Software Agents. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • T. Magedanz, K. Rothermel, S. Krause: Intelligent Agents: An Emerging Technology for Next Generation Telecommunications. Proceedings INFOCOM `96, March 24-28, 1996, San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Shaw Green et al.: Software Agents: A Review. Trinity College Dublin. 27 May 1997.
  • Michael Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings: Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice. Knowledge Engineering Review, January 1995.
  • M. Merz, W. Lamersdorf: Agents, Services, and Electronic Markets: How do they Integrate? University of Hamburg, Department of Computer Science (
  • N. Jennings, T. Norman, P. Faratin: ADEPT: An Agent-Based Approach to Business Process Management. SIGMOD Record, Vol. 27, No. 4, 1998: 32-39.
  • Pattie Maes, Robert H. Guttman, Aleandros G. Moukas: Agents That Buy and Sell. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1999: 81-91.
  • Robert J. Glushko, Jay M. Tenenbaum, Bart Meltzer: An XML Framework for Agent-based E-commerce. Communications of the ACM ,Vol. 42, No. 3, 1999: 106-114.


Thema 4: Workflow-Management und E-commerce

  • M. Merz, F. Griffel, T. Tu, S. Müller-Wilken, H. Weinreich, M. Boger, W. Lamersdorf: Supporting Electronic Commerce Transactions with Contracting Services. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) Vol. 7, No 4.
    (Kopien in Abt. Datenbanken erhältlich).
  • W. Weitz: Combining Structured Documents with High-Level Petri-Nets for Workflow Modeling in Internet-Based Commerce. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) Vol. 7, No 4.
    (Kopien in Abt. Datenbanken erhältlich).
  • A. Geppert, M. Kradolfer and D. Tombros: Market-Based Workflow Management. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS) Vol. 7, No 4.
    (Kopien in Abt. Datenbanken erhältlich).
  • Asuman Dogac, et al.: A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web. SIGMOD Record, Vol. 27, No. 4, December 1998: 25-31.
  • WISE Projekt (Alonso et al.; ETH Zürich): (u.a. RIDE99 Paper: Wise: Business to Business E-Commerce).


Thema 5: Brokering

  • Bichler, M.; Segev, A.; A Brokerage Framework for Internet Commerce. Distr. and Par. Databases 7 (2), 1999.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Boles, D.; Dreger, M.; Großjohann, K.: MeDoc Information Broker-Harnessing the Information in Literature and Full Text Databases. Proc. SIGIR '96 Conf., Zürich, 1996.
  • Gallego, I.; Delgado, J.; Acebron, J. J.: Distributed Models for Brokerage on Electronic Commerce. Proc. TREC '98 Conf., Hamburg, 1998.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Kashyap, V.; Sheth, A: Semantics-based Information Brokering. Proc. CIKM '94 Conf., Gaitherburg, 1994.
  • Maes, P.; Guttman, R.; Moukas, A.: Agents that Buy and Sell. Comm. ACM 42 (3), 1999.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Maes, P.; Guttman, R.; Moukas, A.: Agents that Buy and Sell: Transforming Commerce as we Know It. MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, 1999.
  • Strens, M. R.; Martin, M. J.; Dobson, J. E., Plagemann, S.: Business and Market Models of Brokerage in Network-Based Commerce. Technical Report 633, Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1998.
  • Strens, M. R.; Martin, M. J.; Dobson, J. E.: Modelling Business Scenarios for Electronic Brokerage. Technical Report 638, Department of Computing Science, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1998.


Thema 6: Auktionen


Thema 7: Kataloge/Datenintegration/Dokumentformate im E-Commerce


Thema 8: Architekturen und Systeme

  • Boll, S.; Grüner, A.; Haaf, A.; Klas, W.; EMP-A Database-Driven Electronic Market Place for Business-to-Business Commerce on the Internet. Distr. and Par. Databases 7 (2), 1999.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Bussler, C.; Jablonski, S.: Die Architektur des modularen Workflow-Management-Systems MOBILE. In: Vossen, G.; Becker, J.: Geschäftsprozeßmodellierung und Workflow-Management, Thomson 1996.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Chavez, A.; Maes, P.: Kasbah: An Agent Marketplace for Buying and Selling Goods. Proc. PAAM '96 Conf., London, 1996.
  • Eder, J.; Groiss, H.; Liebhart, W.: The Workflow Management System Panta Rhei. In: Dogac, A.; Kalinichenko, L.; Öszu, T.; Sheth, A. (Hrsg.): Workflow Management Systems and Interoperability. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
  • Glushko, R. J.; Tenenbaum, J. M.; Meltzer, B.: An XML Framework for Agent-based E-commerce. Comm. ACM 42 (3), 1999.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Intershop Communications GmbH: Explore Our Technology. Jena, 1999.
  • Maes, P.; Guttman, R.; Moukas, A.: Agents that Buy and Sell. Comm. ACM 42 (3), 1999.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Pfitzmann, A. et al.: A Java-based distributed platform for multilateral security. Proc. TREC '98 Conf., Hamburg, 1998.
    (beim Betreuer erhältlich)
  • Secure Electronic Transaction (SET):
    SETCo LLC:
    Visa Secure Electronic Commerce:
