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XMach-1 Appendix
XMach-1 Appendix
The following queries are the query operations defined in the XMach-1 specification formulated in the XQuery language according to the working draft from 7 June 2001. All queries are tested with the XQuery demo from X-Hive.
Q1 | Description: | Get document with given URL. | |
Parameter: | URL = /ahost1.bhost2.chost3/001_loader1.xml | ||
LET $a := /directory/host[@name="chost3"]/host[@name="bhost2"]/host[@name="ahost1"] /path[@name="001_loader1.xml"]/doc_info/@doc_id, $b := /*[@doc_id = $a] RETURN $b |
Q2 | Description: | Get doc_id from documents containing a given phrase in paragraph elements. | * |
Parameter: | phrase = "test pattern" | ||
FOR $a IN /*[@doc_id] WHERE SOME $p IN $a//paragraph SATISFIES contains($p, "test pattern") RETURN distinct($a/@doc_id) |
Q3 | Description: | Start with first chapter element and recursively follow first section element. Return last section element. | * |
Parameter: | doc_id = "d1" | ||
suffix = "10" | |||
DEFINE FUNCTION deepestFirstSection(ELEMENT $e) RETURNS ELEMENT { IF (empty($e/section10)) THEN $e ELSE deepestFirstSection($e/section10[1]) } deepestFirstSection(/document10[@doc_id="d1"]/chapter10[1]/section10[1]) |
Q4 | Description: | Return flat list of head elements which are children of section elements. | * |
Parameter: | doc_id = "d1" | ||
suffix = "10" | |||
FOR $a IN /document10[@doc_id="d1"]//section10/head10 RETURN $a |
Q5 | Description: | Get document name (last path element in directory structure) from all documents which are below a given URL fragment. | |
Parameter: | URL = "/ahost1.bhost2.chost3/" | ||
FOR $a IN /directory/host[@name="chost3"]/host[@name="bhost2"]/host[@name="ahost1"]//path[doc_info] RETURN $a/@name |
Q6 | Description: | Get doc_id and id of parent element of author element with given content. | |
Parameter: | Author = "Karl May" | ||
FOR $a IN /*[@doc_id] WHERE $a//*/author="Karl May" RETURN <document> <doc_id>{string($a/@doc_id)}</doc_id> { FOR $e IN $a//*[author="Karl May"] RETURN <parent_id>{string($e/@id)}</parent_id> } </document> |
Q7 | Description: | Get doc_id from documents which are referenced by at least four other documents. | |
NAMESPACE xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' FOR $refID IN distinct(/*//link/@xlink:href) LET $refDocs := distinct(/*[.//link/@xlink:href=$projekte/XML/refID]/@doc_id) WHERE count($refDocs) >= 4 RETURN <docid>{string($refID)}</docid> |
Q8 | Description: | Get doc_id from the last 100 updated documents having an author attribute. | |
LET $b := (FOR $a IN /directory//doc_info[@update_time] SORTBY (./@update_time DESCENDING) WHERE not(empty(/*[@doc_id=$a/@doc_id]/@author)) RETURN <docid>{string($a/@doc_id)}</docid> ) RETURN $b[1 TO 100] |