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FAQ Fachspezifische Zugangsvoraussetzungen


  • Students with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Business Information Systems or Data Science directly fulfill the subject-specific admission requirements and thus do not need to provide proof of the equivalent module achievements mentioned under I.b.

  • Students with a Bachelor’s degree outside the subject, i.e. not Computer Science, Business Information Systems or Data Science, must proof all of the equivalent module achievements mentioned in I.b and must have the required minimum number of credit points in Mathematics and Computer Science.

Deadlines and duration of the verification of the subject-specific admission requirements.

  • You can submit your documents for the examination of the subject-specific entrance requirements at any time. The processing time is usually a maximum of 2 weeks. Please note that the proof of meeting the subject-specific access requirements is necessary for application/enrollment.


  • I do not meet the subject-specific admission requirements because I am missing modules of less than 30 ECTS.

    • If you are missing modules of no more than 30 ECTS, you can currently still be admitted (provisionally) to the Master Data Science. The prerequisite for this is that the missing modules are offered in the 1st master’s semester at the University of Leipzig, so that you can complete them in the 1st master’s semester. You must then prove by the end of the semester (WS 31.03./ SS 30.09) that you have successfully completed the modules. In the Module Catalog of the B. Sc. Computer Science you will find the information which modules are offered in which semester. Usually, in the winter semester these are the modules Database Systems 1, Probability Theory, Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Modeling and Programming 1 and in the summer semester the modules Algorithms and Data Structures 2, Modeling and Programming 2, Practical Object-Oriented Programming.
  • I do not fulfill the subject-specific admission requirements because I am missing modules of more than 30 ECTS or the missing modules are not offered in the 1st master’s semester.

    • Unfortunately, this usually does not allow you to be admitted to the Master Data Science. However, you can alternatively enroll in the Bachelor Computer Science or Master Bioinformatics and complete the missing modules within 1-2 semesters. You can then also already take some modules from the Master’s program to be credited for the Master’s Data Science.
  • Can internships be credited as a substitute for missing modules/ECTS?

    • In principle, internships can be credited. For this purpose, you will need the work certificate including the duration of the internship (weekly working hours, period) as well as an overview of your activities. However, internships can usually not be credited for modules in the area of mathematics/theoretical computer science as well as for the modules Algorithms and Data Structures 1, Algorithms and Data Structures 2 and Database Systems 1.
  • Can the bachelor thesis be credited as a substitute for missing modules/ECTS?

    • In principle, the bachelor thesis can be credited. The extent to which it can be credited depends on the respective topic. A copy of the Bachelor thesis is required as proof.
  • Which mathematics modules should I have taken in addition to probability theory?

    • The modules Discrete Structures, Linear Algebra and Logic are recommended.
  • In my bachelor program I only took Algorithms and Data Structures with 5/6 ECTS. Is that enough as an equivalent achievement?

    • No. You have to prove equivalent knowledge to the modules Algorithms and Data Structures 1+2 and thus a total of 10 ECTS. Accordingly, you have to prove or make up another module in the field of Algorithms and Data Structures. At the University of Leipzig this is Algorithms and Data Structures 2 or alternatively the module Parallel Algorithms.
  • At my university modules are evaluated with 3/6/9 ECTS. Is this a problem?

    • No. Modules of 6 / 9 ECTS are equivalent to 5 / 10 ECTS at the University of Leipzig.