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Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH)


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publication iconWinter, A; Stäubert, S; Ammon, D; , Aiche, S; Beyan,O; Bischoff, V; Daumke, P; Decker, S; Funkat, G; Gewehr, JE; , de Greiff, A; Haferkamp, S; Hahn , U; Henkel, A; Kirsten, T; Klöss, T; Lippert, J; Löbe, M; Lowitsch, V; Rahm, E; Löffler, M
Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH)
Methods of Information in Medicine


To share medical and research data, SMITH’s information system is based on communication and storage standards. We use the Reference Model of the Open Archival Information System and will consistently implement profiles of Integrating the Health Care Enterprise (IHE) and Health Level Seven (HL7) standards. Standard terminologies will be applied. The SMITH Market Place will be used for devising agreements on data access and distribution. 3LGM2 for enterprise architecture modeling supports a consistent development process.

The DIC reference architecture determines the services, applications and the standardsbased communication links needed for efficiently supporting the ingesting, data nourishing, trustee, privacy management and data transfer tasks of the SMITH DICs. The reference architecture is adopted at the local sites. Data sharing services and the market place enable interoperability.