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PDFMeat: Managing Publications on the Semantic Desktop

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Aumueller, David; Rahm, Erhard
PDFMeat: Managing Publications on the Semantic Desktop
CIKM 2011, October 24--28, 2011, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

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Researchers maintain bibliographies and extensive sets of PDF files of scholarly publications on their desktop. The lack of proper metadata of downloaded PDFs makes this task a tedious one. With PDFMeat we present a solution to automatically determine publication metadata for scholarly papers within the user’s desktop environment and link the metadata to the files. PDFMeat effectively matches local full texts to an online repository. In an evaluation for more than 2.000 diverse PDF files it worked highly reliable and showed excellent accuracy of up to 98 percent. We demonstrate PDFMeat for different sets of papers, highlighting the semantic integration and use of the retrieved metadata within the file browser of the desktop environment.