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Coala- correlation-aware active learning of link specifications


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publication iconNgonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille; Lyko, Klaus; Christen, Victor
Coala- correlation-aware active learning of link specifications
Proc. 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Springer LNCS 7882, pp. 442-456 , 2013


Link Discovery plays a central role in the creation of knowledge bases that abide by the five Linked Data principles. Over the last years, several active learning approaches have been developed and used to facilitate the supervised learning of link specifications. Yet so far, these approaches have not taken the correlation between unlabeled examples into account when requiring labels from their user. In this paper, we address exactly this drawback by presenting the concept of the correlation-aware active learning of link specifications. We then present two generic approaches that implement this concept. The first approach is based on graph clustering and can make use of intra-class correlation. The second relies on the activation-spreading paradigm and can make use of both intra- and inter-class correlations. We evaluate the accuracy of these approaches and compare them against a state-of-the-art link specification
learning approach in ten different settings. Our results show that our approaches outperform the state of the art by leading to specifications with higher F-scores.