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An Evolution-based Approach for Assessing Ontology Mappings - A Case Study in the Life Sciences


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Thor, A.; Hartung, M.; Groß, A.; Kirsten, T.; Rahm, E.
An Evolution-based Approach for Assessing Ontology Mappings - A Case Study in the Life Sciences
Proc. of 13. GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 2009


Ontology matching has been widely studied. However, the resulting ontology mappings can be rather unstable when the participating ontologies or utilized secondary sources (e.g., instance sources, thesauri) evolve. We propose an evolution-based approach for assessing ontology mappings by annotating their correspondences by information about similarity values for past ontology versions. These annotations allow us to assess the stability of correspondences over time and they can thus be used to determine better and more robust ontology mappings. The approach is generic in that it can be applied independently from the utilized match technique. We define different stability measures and show results of a first evaluation for the life science domain.


  author    = {Andreas Thor and
               Michael Hartung and
               Anika Gross and
               Toralf Kirsten and
               Erhard Rahm},
  title     = {An Evolution-based Approach for Assessing Ontology Mappings - A Case Study in the Life Sciences},
  booktitle = {BTW},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {277-286},
  ee        = {}