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AMC – A Framework for Modelling and Comparing Matching Systems as Matching Processes


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Peukert, E.; Eberius, J.; Rahm, E.
AMC – A Framework for Modelling and Comparing Matching Systems as Matching Processes
Proc. Int. Conf. on Data Engineering (Demo paper), 2011


We present the Auto Mapping Core (AMC), a new
framework that supports fast construction and tuning of schema
matching approaches for specific domains such as ontology
alignment, model matching or database-schema matching.
Distinctive features of our framework are new visualisation
techniques for modelling matching processes, stepwise tuning of
parameters, intermediate result analysis and performanceoriented
rewrites. Furthermore, existing matchers can be
plugged into the framework to comparatively evaluate them in a
common environment. This allows deeper analysis of behaviour
and shortcomings in existing complex matching systems.