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XMach-1: A Benchmark for XML Data Management

In 2000, we have started to evaluate several XML data management systems using a newly developed benchmark called XMach-1. Its first definition occurred in Sep. 2000 when it was submitted to the BTW2001 conference. XMach-1 became the first published benchmark for XML data management. It was also for a long time the only multi-user benchmark for XML data management.

Since the first public draft of the XQuery query language for XML is published we have formulated the queries from our specification in this language.
We then updated the queries to fix some minor bugs and to reflect the changes made in the XQuery specification draft from 7 June 2001.

We have further released the complete XMach-1 benchmark reference implementation consisting of a data generator to populate the XML benchmark database and a query execution framework. Please download it here. This archive contains the sources, class files and documentation of the data generator and the generic query framework. For further information see the README file in directory doc.

Our further research on XML data management focussed on extending relational databases to efficiently support the XML functionality. In particular, we developed in 2004 a new, insert-friendly numbering scheme called DLN. Within a prototype called XMLRDB we also support flexible XPath views to speed-up query prcessing.

Project Members



Google Scholar
Böhme, Timo; Rahm, Erhard
Parameterized XPath Views
Proc. BNCOD, LNCS 4587, 2007

Google Scholar
publication iconBöhme, Timo; Mimaroglu, Selim; O’Neil, Elizabeth; O’Neil, Patrick; Rahm, Erhard
Insert-Friendly Hierarchical Numbering Schemes for XML
Techn. Report, Univ. of Leipzig

Google Scholar
publication iconBöhme, T.; Rahm, E.
Supporting Efficient Streaming and Insertion of XML Data in RDBMS.
Proc. 3rd Int. Workshop Data Integration over the Web (DIWeb), LNCS, 2004
further information
Google Scholar
Böhme, T.; Rahm, E.
Multi-User Evaluation of XML Data Management Systems with XMach-1.
Proc. VLDB Workshop Efficiency and Effectiveness of XML Tools, and Techniques, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2590, 2003
further information
Google Scholar
Rahm, E.; Vossen, G. (Hrsg.)
Web & Datenbanken


Google Scholar
Böhme, T.; Rahm, E.
Benchmarking von XML-Datenbanksystemen
In: Web & Datenbanken. Dpunkt-Verlag, Sep. 2002

Google Scholar
publication iconBöhme, T.; Rahm, E.
XML-Datenbanksysteme: Architekturen und Benchmarks
Proc. Innovationsforum “Content Management - Digitale Inhalte als Bausteine einer vernetzten Welt”,

Google Scholar
publication iconRahm, E., Böhme, T.
XMach-1: A Multi-User Benchmark for XML Data Management.
Proc. VLDB workshop Efficiency and Effectiveness of XML Tools, and Techniques (EEXTT2002), Hongkong, Aug. 2002 (Invited Talk)

Google Scholar
Böhme, T.; Rahm, E.
Benchmarking XML Database Systems - First Experiences
Proc. 9th Int. Workshop High Performance Transaction Systems (HPTS)

Google Scholar
Böhme, T.; Rahm, E.
XMach-1: A Benchmark for XML Data Management.
Proc. of BTW01 (Datenbanksysteme für Büro, Technik und Wissenschaft), Oldenburg, March 2001. Springer-Verlag