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Using Link Features for Entity Clustering in Knowledge Graphs


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Saeedi, Alieh; Peukert, Eric; Rahm, Erhard
Using Link Features for Entity Clustering in Knowledge Graphs
Proc. ESWC 2018 (Best research paper award)


Knowledge graphs holistically integrate information about entities from multiple sources. A key step in the construction and maintenance of knowledge graphs is the clustering of equivalent entities from different sources. Previous approaches for such an entity clustering suffer from several problems, e.g., the creation of overlapping clusters or the inclusion of several entities from the same source within clusters. We therefore propose a new entity clustering algorithm CLIP that can be applied both to create entity clusters and to repair entity clusters
determined with another clustering scheme. In contrast to previous approaches, CLIP not only uses the similarity between entities for clustering but also further features of entity links such as the so-called link strength. To achieve a good scalability we provide a parallel implementation of CLIP based on Apache Flink. Our evaluation for different datasets shows that the new approach can achieve substantially higher cluster quality than previous approaches.

This paper won the Best Research Paper award of ESWC2018.