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Temporal group linkage and evolution analysis for census data


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Christen, Victor; Groß, Anika; Fisher, Jeffrey; Wang, Qing; Christen, Peter; Rahm, Erhard
Temporal group linkage and evolution analysis for census data
Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Venice, 2017


The temporal linkage of census data allows the detailed analysis of population-related changes in an area of interest. It should not only link records about the same person but also support the linkage of groups of related persons such as households. In this application paper, we thus propose a new approach to both temporal record and group (household) linkage for census data and study its application for change analysis. The approach utilizes the relationships between individuals to determine the similarity of groups and their members within a graph-based method. It is also iterative by first identifying high quality matches that are subsequently extended by matches found with less restrictive similarity criteria. A comprehensive evaluation using historical census data from the UK
indicates a high effectiveness of the proposed approach. Furthermore, the linkage enables an insightful analysis of household changes determined by so-called evolution patterns.