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Scalable Business Intelligence with Graph Collections


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Petermann, A.; Junghanns, M.
Scalable Business Intelligence with Graph Collections
it - Information Technology, Special Issue: Big Data Analytics, Vol. 58 (4), 2016, pp. 166–175


Using graph data models for business intelligence applications is a novel and promising approach. In contrast to traditional data warehouse models, graph models enable the mining of relationship patterns. In our prior work, we introduced an approach to graph-based data integration and analytics called BIIIG (Business Intelligence with Integrated Instance Graphs). In this work, we compare state-of-the-art systems for graph data management and analytics with regard to the support for our approach in Big Data scenarios. To exemplify the analytical value of graph models for business intelligence, we propose an analytical workflow to extract knowledge from graph-integrated business data. Finally, we show how we use Gradoop, a novel framework for distributed graph analytics, to implement our approach.