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Exploration and Analysis of Temporal Property Graphs


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Rost, C.; Gomez, K.; Fritzsche, P.; Thor, A.; Rahm, E.
Exploration and Analysis of Temporal Property Graphs
24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT)


We demonstrate the Temporal Graph Explorer, a distributed open-source framework that enables time-dependent graph exploration and analysis on large real-world networks using a rich temporal property graph model and dynamic graph operators. In this demonstration we show how the evolution of a graph plays an essential role in many analytical questions. Besides retrieving a snapshot from a past graph state or calculating the difference between two graph snapshots, users can use our application to summarize the graph to reduce its complexity and to obtain deeper insights into its evolution. Visitors of the demo can visually experience these advanced temporal operators and their results or build and manipulate analytical programs in a declarative way without extended programming skills and run them on a distributed local or remote environment. We provide real-world temporal graph data from bicycle rentals of New York City with millions of rentals per month, also demonstrating horizontal scalability of the system.