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Evaluation of Query Generators for Entity Search Engines


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publication iconEndrullis, S.; Thor, A.; Rahm, E.
Evaluation of Query Generators for Entity Search Engines
Proc. Intl. Workshop on Using Search Engine Technology for Information Management (USETIM), 2009


Dynamic web applications such as mashups need efficient access to web data that is only accessible via entity search engines (e.g. product or publication search engines). However, most current mashup systems and applications only support simple keyword searches for retrieving data from search engines. We propose the use of more powerful search strategies building on so-called query generators. For a given set of entities query generators are able to automatically determine a set of search queries to retrieve these entities from an entity search engine. We demonstrate the usefulness of query generators for on-demand web data integration and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of query generators for a challenging real-world integration scenario.
