German English

Johannes Zschache


  • 2018 - 2019: Research assistant at the Database Group, Leipzig University
  • 2011 - 2018: Research assistant at the Institute of Sociology, Leipzig University: web page
  • 2016: Dr. rer. pol., Sociology, Leipzig University
  • 2011: Magister in Sociology and Computer Sciences, Leipzig University



Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

Zschache, J. (2018) Applying the matching law as micro-foundation of social phenomena. Social Science Research, doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.03.010. (full text)

Zschache, J. (2018) Melioration learning in iterated public goods games: The impact of exploratory noise. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 42(1) 1-16. (full text).

Zschache, J. (2017) The Explanation of Social Conventions by Melioration Learning. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 20 (3): 1.

Zschache, J. (2016) Melioration Learning in Two-Person Games. PLoS ONE 11 (11): e0166708

Zschache, J. (2012). Producing public goods in networks: Some effects of social comparison and endogenous network change. Social Networks 34, 539-548.

Further publications:

Zschache, J. (2012). Book Review: Michael Laver and Ernest Sergenti: Party Competition. An Agent-Based Model. RMM Vol. 3, 66–70. Review

Voss, T. und J. Zschache (2014). Verhaltenstheorie. In: Endruweit G., G. Trommsdorff und N. Burzan (Hg.) Wörterbuch der Soziologie, 3. Auflage. UVK.

Tutić, A., J. Zschache und T. Voss: Soziale Normen (2014). In: Norman B. und N. J. Saam (Hg.) Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften. Springer VS. 627–662. springer-link


The matching law and melioration Learning: From individual decision making to social interactions: pdf